Your mortician for Berlin and surrounding area

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5.0 from 5.0 possible stars

Friendly and sensitive.
No hidden costs.

You are not alone

Stephanie Liermann Liebevoll Bestattungen Berlin

Stephanie Liermann, funeral director with heart

At Liebevoll Bestattungen we are here for you 24/7, so you always have someone to talk to. We cover Berlin and surrounding areas and focus on creating a unique and personalized service for your needs. Our promise is to help you arrange a funeral with care, respect, clarity, and security. Our well-experienced team is here to listen, advise and guide you through all your options. Put your trust in us. 

Our promise as funeral directors in Berlin

Picture gallery funerals berlin

Types of burial in Berlin Pankow

Feuerbestattung Liebevoll Bestattungen Berlin


from 980,00 €

Erdbestattung Berlin bei Liebevoll Bestattungen


from 1080,00 €

Seebestattung Berlin bei Liebevoll Bestattungen

Burials at sea

from 1.200,00 €

Baumbestattung Berlin bei Liebevoll Bestattungen

Tree pod burial

More and more people want tree burials in Berlin …

Anonyme Bestattung Berlin bei Liebevoll Bestattungen

Anonymous burials

We also offer anonymous burials if desired….

Kristall-Diamant Bestattung Berlin bei Liebevoll Bestattungen

Crystal & diamond funeral

Special requests, we will be happy to advise you comprehensively.

Our funeral services in berlin

Urnenbestattung berlin


Blättern Sie gleich in unserem großen Urnen Katalog …

Blumendekoration Berlin bei Liebevoll Bestattungen

Flower Decorations

Bei der Auswahl der Blumendekoration sind wir Ihnen gern behilflich…

Särge Berlin bei Liebevoll Bestattungen

Coffins guide

Ultimate coffins guide – which one is the right one

Redner für Trauerfeier Berlin bei Liebevoll Bestattungen

Speaker & music accompaniment

We will be happy to arrange a speaker for your funeral service…with trumpet accompaniment if desired….

Dekoration Trauerfeier Berlin bei Liebevoll Bestattungen

Individualized decoration packages

Decoration packages can be booked according to your own wishes…

Beratung Trauerfeier Berlin bei Liebevoll Bestattungen

Your wishes

Your heart’s desires we gladly bring in…

Nachlass Betreuung Berlin bei Liebevoll Bestattungen

We take care of you

Berliners do not want an 08/15 funeral. People in the capital today tend to make decisions based on how they personally find it helpful and meaningful, how such a funeral ceremony is to be conducted. And that is also good so. Our funeral home in Pankow stands for individuality, personality and responds to the wishes of the bereaved family.

Your mortician for Berlin

You need someone to talk to? We are available by phone day and night in Berlin or in person at our funeral home.

Thank you for the good reviews
Your mortician from Berlin

You were satisfied with us as a funeral director? Let us know.

Your funeral home for Berlin.
So easy to find us.

Our open, bright rooms are a place of encounter where you feel comfortable and farewells can be lived sensitively.

We are available by phone day and night in Pankow (with its districts: Prenzlauer Berg, Weißensee, Blankenburg, Heinersdorf, Karow, Stadtrandsiedlung Malchow, Blankenfelde, Französisch Buchholz, Buch, Niederschönhausen, Rosenthal and Wilhelmsruh) and all of Berlin or in person at our funeral home. We are easily accessible by car as well as by public transportation. Would you like a personal funeral consultation?

Tip: We are also happy to visit you at home.

Conclusion by Stephanie Liermann: Funeral director in Berlin.

Since the company was founded, we have been caring for a large number of grieving people in Pankow and throughout Berlin. In doing so, satisfaction is our top priority. Our reliable team of funeral directors consists of experienced and friendly experts, who personally take care of your request and advise you competently.Our team takes care of you from the first planning to the funeral service on site.

We offer you fast help in the event of a bereavement

We take the complete work off your hands.We have good ratings.

We have more than 20 years of experience.

You may be in mourning right now and looking for a funeral director in Pankow?

Liebevoll Bestattungen from Berlin is looking forward to your call!